Google 2015 Logo
Google is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing and software.
About Google 2015 Logo
The logo consists of the word "Google" written in a clean, modern sans-serif typeface. Each letter in the company's name is styled in a different color. The first 'G' is blue, the 'o's are red and yellow respectively, the 'g' is blue, the 'l' is green, and the 'e' is red. There are no other elements or embellishments in the logo, making it very simple and easily recognizable. The colors are bright and uniform, and there is a slight shadow effect on each letter, giving the logo a subtle three-dimensional appearance. The design is flat without any gradients or additional textures.
The Google 2015 logo is a technology logo made up of around 4 different colors.
This logo for Google 2015 doesn't contain any obvious shapes.
We have pulled the following text out of the logo: GOOQIC.
The Google 2015 logo is made up of a bunch of different colors. These colors include red, teal and yellow. Beyond those 3 basic colors there are also 4 more specific colors found, these include tomato, cool blue, golden yellow and medium green.
The Google 2015 logo is a Google 2015 New, Google, New Logo/Redesign, Search Engine, Technology and United States logo.
Google 2015 Logo Information and History
If you are looking for a new Google logo for your website, you have come to the right place. The logo for this year has been updated with a new look. No longer static, the logo is now a four-dot system containing symbols and the name Google. The logo will change as you type your search terms and will morph back into the Google logo when results are found. We've also added a more modern, youthful vibe to the logo.
The new logo still features the recognizable 'G' but has been rendered in a sans-serif typeface that looks more modern and playful. It also resembles the Alphabet logo, which has a similarly unadorned look. So if you aren't a fan of the Google logo, you may be wondering if it's really a new design. Here is what you need to know about the new logo.
The first prototype of the new logo used a thin serif font and a Chinese finger-trap style pattern. Initially, Page and Brin liked this version, but it was soon deemed too busy. The two men discussed their options with Ruth Kedar, who made a number of prototypes. She eventually selected a simplified version of the original logo, which removed the exclamation point. In addition, the two men liked the design with a Chinese finger trap.
The 2015 Google logo changed its logo a few times. The first logo used a serif font, with the letters "g" and "l" being shifted one pixel to the right. The second version switched to a sans-serif font - Product Sans. As a result, the Google 2015 logo now has a more rounded and approachable look. A new multi-colored G also appears on mobile apps.
Basic Colors
We've taken a look at the image and pulled out some colors that are common across lots of logos. The colors below aren't the exact colors found in the image, but approximations to common colors.
Advanced Colors
We've extracted the below 'advanced colors' from the logo. These should be much closer to the actual colors found in the logo. Our extractor tries to only take the main colors of the image and tries to ignore shading on anti-aliasing or shadows. This generally leads to better results, but in some circumstances you might find a few unusual colors being pulled from the logo.
Hex Colors
The below are the hex colors that are found in the logo. You can assume that these are the actual colors used in the logo. Our color extraction tool that takes the colors from the logo tries to ignore anti-aliasing and shadows, so you may sometimes find a slightly odd result, but this is rare. These colors should be very similar to the Advanced Colors, but you'll notice subtle differences. If you're interested in the exact color then use the hex, but if you're trying to describe the logo then use the Advanced Color or the Basic Color above.