Lego Logo
About Lego Logo
The logo consists of a bold, capitalized text "LEGO" in white with a black outline. The font is playful and rounded, giving it a friendly and approachable look. Surrounding the white lettering is a thicker yellow outline that creates a striking contrast and helps the text stand out. The background of the logo is a vivid red, which creates a strong backdrop for the yellow-outlined text. Additionally, in the top right corner of the logo, there is a small 'R' inside a circle, symbolizing that the logo is a registered trademark. Overall, the combination of red, yellow, white, and black colors is eye-catching and embodies the creativity and fun associated with the brand.
The Lego logo is a arts and design logo made up of around 5 different colors.
The Lego logo contains a number of different shapes, including 1 square, 2 stars and 3 circles.
The Lego logo is made up of a bunch of different colors. These colors include red, yellow, maroon and olive. Beyond those 4 basic colors there are also 5 more specific colors found, these include fire engine red, bright yellow, blood red, orange yellow and baby poop green.
The Lego logo is a Lego, Arts And Design and Denmark logo.
Lego Logo Information and History
The LEGO Group was founded by Ole Kirk Kristiansen in 1932. Since then, its logo has evolved to express different aspects of the company's character and reflect different time periods. The original logo was comprised of all-caps, a solid black background, and a red square. But, with the company's rapid growth in the United States and elsewhere, the logo has been redesigned many times. Listed below are a few of the many changes that have occurred in the logo over the years.
The original LEGO logo was first used in 1934, but did not make its way to wooden toys until 1936. The company changed the shape of the letters and added a small "bone" symbol to the logo. Although this added to the distinctive nature of the logo, the symbol never really resonating with consumers. The new logo is much simpler and more modern than its predecessor. The Lego logo has undergone three different versions, but the current version is the most widely recognized and recognizable.
In the 1970s, the company had more than 100 employees. By that time, they had developed a patented stud and tube coupling system. By the end of the decade, Ole Kirk Kristiansen had passed away, leaving Godtfred Kristiansen as the head of the company. In the 1970s, the company started to manufacture in the United States, and a new logo was created in order to create a single, universal brand identity.
Basic Colors
We've taken a look at the image and pulled out some colors that are common across lots of logos. The colors below aren't the exact colors found in the image, but approximations to common colors.
Advanced Colors
We've extracted the below 'advanced colors' from the logo. These should be much closer to the actual colors found in the logo. Our extractor tries to only take the main colors of the image and tries to ignore shading on anti-aliasing or shadows. This generally leads to better results, but in some circumstances you might find a few unusual colors being pulled from the logo.
Hex Colors
The below are the hex colors that are found in the logo. You can assume that these are the actual colors used in the logo. Our color extraction tool that takes the colors from the logo tries to ignore anti-aliasing and shadows, so you may sometimes find a slightly odd result, but this is rare. These colors should be very similar to the Advanced Colors, but you'll notice subtle differences. If you're interested in the exact color then use the hex, but if you're trying to describe the logo then use the Advanced Color or the Basic Color above.