Lotus (cars) Logo
About Lotus (cars) Logo
The logo features a yellow, rounded triangular shape that somewhat resembles a circle with points. Each corner of the triangle has a small, curved indent, giving the triangle soft corners. Inside the triangular shape, there is a thicker green border that follows the outline of the yellow shape, creating an inner triangular space where the main elements of the logo are displayed.
Within the green border, against a yellow background, there is a central green circle. Inside this circle, stylized initials are displayed: a large, intertwining "ACBC" in white. These initials are written in a unique, flowing script that links all four letters together, with the "C" looping through the "A".
Above the circle, the word "LOTUS" is written in capital letters, following the curved upper edge of the green border. The font is bold and white, with a classic and simple design, providing a strong contrast against the green background.
Below the central green circle, visually balancing the word "LOTUS", there is a stylized, curved green banner that follows the curved lower edge of the green border. The banner's design integrates with the overall shape, creating a cohesive design that frames the central circle.
The color scheme of this logo predominantly features yellow and green, with white lettering providing a crisp contrast. The use of these colors along with the distinctive shape and the stylized initials gives the logo a striking and memorable appearance, consistent with the brand's heritage and reputation for performance vehicles.
The Lotus (cars) logo is a automotive and car logo made up of around 5 different colors.
The Lotus (cars) logo contains a number of different shapes, including 1 square, 3 stars and 11 circles.
The Lotus (cars) logo is made up of a bunch of different colors. These colors include yellow, green, teal, olive and silver. Beyond those 5 basic colors there are also 5 more specific colors found, these include golden rod, darkgreen, slate green, baby poop green and silver.
The Lotus (cars) logo is a Lotus Cars, Auto, Auto And Moto, Spain, Lotus and Cars logo.
Basic Colors
We've taken a look at the image and pulled out some colors that are common across lots of logos. The colors below aren't the exact colors found in the image, but approximations to common colors.
Advanced Colors
We've extracted the below 'advanced colors' from the logo. These should be much closer to the actual colors found in the logo. Our extractor tries to only take the main colors of the image and tries to ignore shading on anti-aliasing or shadows. This generally leads to better results, but in some circumstances you might find a few unusual colors being pulled from the logo.
Hex Colors
The below are the hex colors that are found in the logo. You can assume that these are the actual colors used in the logo. Our color extraction tool that takes the colors from the logo tries to ignore anti-aliasing and shadows, so you may sometimes find a slightly odd result, but this is rare. These colors should be very similar to the Advanced Colors, but you'll notice subtle differences. If you're interested in the exact color then use the hex, but if you're trying to describe the logo then use the Advanced Color or the Basic Color above.