

About TÜRKAK Logo

The logo displayed is for TÜRKAK (Türk Akreditasyon Kurumu), the official accreditation body of Turkey. The logo comprises a red and black color scheme. At its core is a square with rounded corners, filled with a black background. Inside the square, there's a white crescent moon and a five-pointed star placed towards the upper left side, a typical symbol of the Turkish flag.

Centered below the crescent and star, in bold white uppercase letters, is the text "TÜRKAK," which stands out clearly against the black background. Underneath the organization's name, there's a red checkmark that adds an element of positive reinforcement, possibly signifying accreditation or approval.

Below the main design, in the red zone at the bottom of the logo, is white text that translates to "Quality Management System" in Turkish ("Kalite Yönetim Sistemi"). Just beneath this phrase, the standard being adhered to is stated in white lettering as "TS EN 45012." At the very bottom, there's a white accreditation number "AB-0021-KY" which specifies the unique identifier for TÜRKAK's accreditation reference.

The TÜRKAK logo is a service logo made up of around 5 different colors.

The TÜRKAK logo contains a number of different shapes, including 2 squares, 1 rectangle, 1 pentagon, 17 stars and 41 circles.

We have pulled the following text out of the logo: RIM VEMIIIH SISIEIIII TS EN AEMZ.

The TÜRKAK logo is made up of a bunch of different colors. These colors include red, silver, white, black and purple. Beyond those 5 basic colors there are also 5 more specific colors found, these include strawberry, peachy pink, light pink, black and charcoal grey.

The TÜRKAK logo is a Turkak, Arts, Consulting, Services and Turkey logo.




You can read more about TÜRKAK on their website.

TÜRKAK Logo Information and History

You have probably noticed that the TRKAK logo is unique. Despite its simplicity, it still has the power to capture the imagination of many people. So, what is it that makes it so special? Let's explore. Read on to learn about its design and why it's such a great logo. Now, you can use it to brand your business! What's so special about TRKAK? Here are some examples of its features:

Basic Colors

We've taken a look at the image and pulled out some colors that are common across lots of logos. The colors below aren't the exact colors found in the image, but approximations to common colors.


Advanced Colors

We've extracted the below 'advanced colors' from the logo. These should be much closer to the actual colors found in the logo. Our extractor tries to only take the main colors of the image and tries to ignore shading on anti-aliasing or shadows. This generally leads to better results, but in some circumstances you might find a few unusual colors being pulled from the logo.

Peachy pink
Light pink
Charcoal grey

Hex Colors

The below are the hex colors that are found in the logo. You can assume that these are the actual colors used in the logo. Our color extraction tool that takes the colors from the logo tries to ignore anti-aliasing and shadows, so you may sometimes find a slightly odd result, but this is rare. These colors should be very similar to the Advanced Colors, but you'll notice subtle differences. If you're interested in the exact color then use the hex, but if you're trying to describe the logo then use the Advanced Color or the Basic Color above.
